Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Continued Studies - 03/07/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


There are more aspects to the modern dynamic and function, all mixing - surfacing and disappearing through out, but it is without question a remarkable aspect of that larger concept - being that any extreme one way or the other - and what seems to be a "dead mans switch" goes into effect - pulling from the greater efficiency as motion within the larger mechanism moves away from the basic design.

This has even developed into a normality of sorts - being that it has grown to be expected and even planned for within the designs for the misuse of the larger structure. These planned for compensations usually manifest as distractions of some sort, away from the fact that the actual environment and atmosphere are floundering. It becomes a topically and hardly respectable display as opposed to efficiency - for however long it is allowed to continue within a given term or era.

It essentially becomes a form of "three card monty" and is soon disguised and credited with being of that larger concept.~

In effort to keep my perspective from solidifying in one area, I will say that I can see where it is easier to allow such as is expected, than it is to actually put forward effort in its more efficient use - this I believe is due mostly to population, and even the lack of "education" within said population - but there again, is another paradox as I have briefly touched on.

So as not to appear in contradiction with myself, I am personally of the opinion that the concept (of what I know) is sound and rather simple to employ. An aspect I should note pertaining to it from my perspective, is the living wage of those elected to serve within that structure.

This has proved to be an area where-in many in-efficiencies have found their footing.

In my understanding when this concept was put forward, it was that such persons were to be duly compensated for their services. This obviously has many facets in the modern day which distort and skew what I feel was the initial intention.

Those elected officials were as well supposed to embody a sense of duty and honor toward those ends - mind you, I don't think it was meant for them to be "under compensated," but more that they should have no worry or want which would distract from fulfilling their positions.

Unfortunately such an area has metamorphed into many other peripheral concerns including the want of that which they can all easily see others obtaining.

You will notice no one of the lower income brackets being employed in substantial or important offices. This indicates to me an area of failed application of that larger concept on the whole, when a person sees at first glance - but I propose that there is much within that larger mechanism which lays unused for the efficiency it embodies. ~

When a person rationally considers it, there is no reason that these individuals should not be able to enjoy the fruits of their "labors." They went to school. They didn't get caught breaking any rules. They bought their way out of trouble in some cases.... so on and so forth.

Unfortunately, when it is that their needs are counted firstly in that sense, as well as those they truly represent in the confines of those fiscal relations, it bodes ill for the rest of society - but, such is the case.

It is that I have been awake enough in my life to witness what I would say would have been a rather complimentary development in advance within that larger mechanism. It was, in essence a means of communication and ballast within society so as to more equally allow for such personal freedoms throughout. Such advance I personally recognize as having been a credit to those who were truly a party to its design and implementation - truly a credit to humanity in all areas of it and especially for and within their time - in my opinion.

To describe it is no simple task given all of the elements and efforts it took to employ, though from what I can tell it was actually very much the use of that larger concept - manned and employed within society as well.

What this achieved seems to have been a "vertical" integration and use of that philosophical bent which I am currently studying.

It insured, among other things, an efficiency in communication as well as a better representation of both popular opinion and majorities, as well as minorities, and even voices of dissent.

In retrospect I can see the elements which removed that efficiency, if not destroying the years of labor in putting it into place - offering it up as a humble yet pleasant lifestyle that it provided for to yet another re-run of failed and despotic emulations of trite plots and turns from the stage.

The aspects which I can recall as having poisoned the progression and inter workings of it, are predictable though surprisingly still in existence at the volume of which to become precedent over the larger concept itself.

Sad grappling and ego-driven greed which indicated immediately the level in ignorance of those displaying them. As if what actually is was far beyond their wildest dreams of even that which they considered a secret - as obvious and common as are the aspects of that once brilliant ploy in motion.

They, through tantrums for scraps surrounded with plenty and the ready potential with which to sustain it.

In essence I suppose, a person could just see it as that larger mechanism cycling in a manner as to jettison those harmful elements through their own design - even at the expense of its own actual progress as per the choices of those having made such decisions.

As well, in considering this series of events without specifics, a person has to acknowledge the influence from others outside of the general effect of that larger process called the "third degree of civilization....." for whatever reasons which I could guess toward if it deserved my time in doing so.

I should let it be said, that when the fearful and uninformed gain decision making influence... it is that fear has always been the only result - other than senseless and useless destruction.


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